
We display the Chinese characters, "共(together)", "存(existence)", "共(together)"again, and "栄 (prosperity)" on the wall of our head office. ”共存共栄” means coexistence and co-prosperity, emphasizing the importance of sharing prosperity and peace with others. This is our company philosophy that has been passed down since this company was founded in1939.We have overcome many difficulties so far, but have never forgotten the importance of a positive attitude to continue to be innovative while solidifying our footing. The reason for our survival to this present time is that we are strictly following this coexistence and co-prosperity philosophy.
Therefore, we really care about our customers' benefit. We believe that "Profit at hand" can impede the continuity and growth for both ourselves and our customers. From our experience, we have been convinced that this is true. Currently we enjoy excellent relationships with our customers, employees and their families, and other people who need us.
It is necessary for the company to grow, but also those who are members of the company need to grow as persons. We have the word "不易流行 (fluidity and immutability)". It teaches us that there is an essence that must not be changed as well as changing trends. We would like to think about this teaching with all those who share a mutual trust with us while expressing our deep gratitude to them.

We display the Chinese characters, "共(together)", "存(existence)", "共(together)"again, and "栄 (prosperity)" on the wall of our head office. ”共存共栄” means coexistence and co-prosperity, emphasizing the importance of sharing prosperity and peace with others. This is our company philosophy that has been passed down since this company was founded in1939.We have overcome many difficulties so far, but have never forgotten the importance of a positive attitude to continue to be innovative while solidifying our footing. The reason for our survival to this present time is that we are strictly following this coexistence and co-prosperity philosophy.
Therefore, we really care about our customers' benefit. We believe that "Profit at hand" can impede the continuity and growth for both ourselves and our customers. From our experience, we have been convinced that this is true. Currently we enjoy excellent relationships with our customers, employees and their families, and other people who need us.
It is necessary for the company to grow, but also those who are members of the company need to grow as persons. We have the word "不易流行 (fluidity and immutability)". It teaches us that there is an essence that must not be changed as well as changing trends. We would like to think about this teaching with all those who share a mutual trust with us while expressing our deep gratitude to them.

Shoichi Nishiyama


Please feel free to contact us .


Head Office : 5-7-34 Sanbashidoori, Kochi-shi, Kochi, 781-8010 Japan

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